About this Workshop
In the times we’re living in, there’s so much radical change taking place that there’s no way to avoid heading into uncharted territory; it’s how we work with it that makes a difference. There’s a way forward with more ease and joy that requires some effort, but not as much as carrying the weight of the world or fear of the future.
That said, it’s difficult to navigate into the realms of the unknown if you don’t feel guided, protected and supported. The unfamiliar can range from major life changes to simply navigating the day to day. Regardless, the burden can get too heavy, anxieties and doubts may take over, and we lose connection with ourselves and our own abilities.
In this workshop, we will call upon two powerful mantras that restore your innate connection with the Divine, gifting you with a mighty sword and shield of protection, as well as a place of rest and support. These mantras restore your vitality and create mental balance, as well as provide assistance with financial and other resources.
We will experience the mantras “Aap Sahaee Hoaa” and “Rakhe Rakhanahar” through powerful moving meditations known as Celestial Communications. By embodying these sounds and making them a part of you, you will shift from feeling the struggle to stepping forward on your own, having the strength of the Infinite with you.
You will remember that you are always guided and protected in everything you do and that you can call on your connection to the Divine at any time. This energy is always here for you.
In this workshop, you will:
Reawaken your connection to the Divine as a powerful protector
Reconnect with your authentic self in a space of rest and safety
Call upon the Infinite for strength and guidance
Imprint in your cells the vibration of support
Prepare to navigate the unknown with more confidence, joy and ease
I invite you to join us for 2 hours of deep connection that will include movement, mantra, flash writing and sharing.
“When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe that one of two things will happen: There will be something solid for you to stand upon, or, you will be taught to fly.” ~Patrick Overton