About this Workshop
Have you ever felt lost in your life? Like you don’t have time to be living what you’re here for or that it’s taking too long to arrive at your destination? Or, maybe you’ve thought that what you have to offer is somehow not enough? Maybe you’ve even compared yourself with others who are doing similar things and found yourself lacking? Or, perhaps like many of us, the hopelessness and despair in the world makes purpose seem inconsequential or like what’s the point.
To align with our soul, we must realize that each of us is unique and already has our own seed inside us. Whether it appears big or small, all of our purposes are equally valuable, holding an essential note in the symphony that is this universal unfoldment.
We experience an awakening when we realize that living our purpose is as simple as connecting with the divine spark within us in each moment. Following what that inner knowing says, big or small, is for us and for the world — it’s not only about you, but is actually a service to everyone. By both anchoring into this deep knowing and letting it be fresh in each moment, you create increased vitality, improved relationships, and greater prosperity for yourself and those around you.
In this workshop, we dive into the Celestial Communications of "Mul Mantra" (music by Simran Kaur) and "Gobinday Mukanday" (music by Hansu Jot, Tera Naam), which are both powerful medicine to align with your soul’s purpose and embrace the courage to live it.
In this workshop, you will:
Listen and connect deeply to the quiet voice of your soul
Attune to the cues of your unique gifts
Clear through blocks that keep you from living your purpose
Connect with faith and trust, and to the confidence that comes from the Infinite to take action towards your dharma
I invite you to join us for 2 hours of deep experience that will include movement, mantra, flash writing and sharing.
"Everyone has a purpose in life and a unique talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.” ~Kallam Anji Reddy